The Web Map Portfolio of M.Duever

yoga pant index

The Yoga Pant Index

The map shows the number of Starbucks coffee shops per the number of college educated women ages 18 - 44. It was built using QGIS and published through Carto.

Electrical Energy Generation for the United States, 2017

Electrical Energy Generation for the United States, 2017

This map was built with custom JavaScript code drawing upon the Leaflet JavaScript Library, to show electrical energy generation from four different sources

Average Rental Price, 2015 per county

Average Rental Price, 2015 per county

This map was built with custom JavaScript code drawing upon the Leaflet JavaScript Library

Vacant Housing Units in Kentucky

Vacant Housing Units in Kentucky

This map was built with custom JavaScript code drawing upon the Leaflet JavaScript Library, JQuery, and html forms to create an interactive map of vacant housing units in Kentucky

U.S.Unemployment Rates 2001-2015

U.S.Unemployment Rates 2001-2015

This map was built with custom JavaScript code drawing upon the Leaflet JavaScript Library, JQuery, Papa parse to parse the csv data, and Chroma.js to classify and color the choropleth. This map also features a time slider created with an html input element

Voting Districts in Athens-Clarke County, GA

Voting Districts in Athens-Clarke County, GA

This map was built with custom code from the Leaflet JavaScript Library, JQuery, the Mapzen geocoder, and Turf.js to create an interactive map of the voting districts in Athens-Clarke County